The latest report on cost of production across Europe and further afield shows the UK is still in a comparatively poor position.
The InterPIG report, which has been produced annually for the last nine years, looks at the figures from a dozen countries across Europe plus Canada and Brazil.

The report, which covers 2010, will be published at the end of October but the key points it contains are:
- EU costs of pig production rose 2% in 2010 compared with 2009
- Czech republic had the highest costs at 183p/kg dw and the Mato Grosso state in Brazil had the lowest at 87p/kg dw
- GB had total costs of 146p/kg, 8% above the selected EU average
- Most countries reported an increase in feed costs in 2010 – Canada up 20% but France and the Netherlands down 4%
- Over half of the InterPIG group reported a reduction in post-weaning mortality
- Most countries also experienced an increase in daily liveweight gain.
The report is collated by AHDB Market Intelligence and Senior Analyst Mark Topliff said: "There are a couple of positive points to take out from the figures. The number of litters per sow per year is up and mortality to finishing has fallen.
"The results relate to performance in 2010 and underline the importance of the industry achieving 2TS, which was launched in May 2010, with the objective of closing the gap in competitiveness that this report highlights."