According to the 2013 Pig Cost of Production Report, that has just been published by BPEX:
- The cost of pig meat production in Great Britain increased by four per cent in 2013, to £1.59/kg. The average cost of production in the EU was £1.56/kg deadweight, a six per cent increase in sterling terms compared to 2012
- All EU countries experienced an increase in the costs of production (in sterling terms) compared to 2012
- Average producer prices were higher in 2013 than in 2012, with five EU countries having production costs below the EU average reference price
- Average feed prices were higher in 2013 than in 2012, increasing by 6.8 per cent on average across the EU countries
- In 2013 as a whole, EU feed costs per kg increased by six per cent compared with a year earlier, in sterling terms. The cost increase in Great Britain was five per cent, amongst the lowest in the EU. In the EU, only Czech Rep experienced a reduction in feed costs compared to 2012, due to significant improvements in physical performance
- The overall average number of pigs weaned per sow per year in the European InterPIG countries showed a three per cent increase in 2013, up from 25.34 in 2012 to 26.06, with Denmark achieving 30.0 for the first time. There was a four per cent increase in pigs weaned per sow in Great Britain to 23.63, this was the lowest amongst the InterPIG members
- The main reason Great Britain has a below average number of pigs weaned per sow lies in the number of pigs born alive per litter. The 2013 average, at 11.87, was lower than all other European InterPIG members, although it was an increase compared to 11.54 in 2012. The EU average was 13.0, with six EU countries achieving more than 13 pigs born alive per litter
- The average number of pigs finished per sow in Great Britain increased in 2013. At 22.23 pigs per sow, average performance was 0.54 pigs higher than in 2012
- Great Britain produced 1.77 tonnes of carcase meat per sow in 2013, four per cent higher than in 2012 due to a combination of a small increase in the number of pigs finished per sow and an increase in finishing weight
Cost of production in selected countries, 2013

Friday December 5, 2014/ BPEX/ United Kingdom.