According to the data provided by SIP Consultors in their Interpig 2011 report, the pig production of all the countries that belong to Interpig had negative financial results in 2011 with the exception of USA-Iowa.
The production costs in the European countries ranged between the highest ones in Italy (150 ct€/kg live weight) and the lowest ones in Denmark (120 ct€/kg live weight) and Spain (121 ct€/kg live weight).

The American countries had lower costs with respect to the European countries. They were between 93 and 102 ct€/kg live weight in Iowa-USA and Canada, respectively.
The net wholesale prices increased in all the countries with respect to the previous year, with the exception of Brazil. Nevertheless, all the countries, apart from USA, had negative margins in 2011. These margins were worse than in 2010 for the great majority of the countries, and this was basically due to a higher cost of the compound feed.
Graph 1. Wholesale price, costs and production margin in the Interpig countries in 2011. Data expressed in euro cents per kg live weight.
Graph 2. Production costs of swine in the Interpig countries in 2011 broken down with respect to the items. Data expressed in euro cents per kg live weight.
October 2012 - Informe SIP-Interpig 2011. SIP consultors/ Spain