The data presented by SIP Consultors in the InterPIG 2014 report confirm, once again, the position of economic leadership of the Spanish pig sector on the European stage.
Last year Spain submitted (compared to the group of EU4 countries —the other 4 most important European countries in swine production: Denmark, France, Germany and the Netherlands) the lowest production cost (112 c€/kg) and the highest net selling price (121 c€/kg).

As a result, the financial margin obtained in Spain was clearly positive: +9 c€/kg, compared to negative results in all countries of the EU4 group (−2, −4, −8 and −14 c€/kg live weight for Denmark, France, Germany and the Netherlands, respectively). This result is well above the average of the past 5 years, where Spain's overall result was +3 c€/kg.
Since 2012 the cost of production in Spain is lower than in the rest of the EU4 countries, ranking 10 c€/kg below the average of these countries in the last two years. Within the EU4 group, Denmark is the country with the lowest production cost; in the last 3 years, it remained about 3 c€/kg higher than Spain's.
The structure of the production cost in Spain differs from other countries:
- Feed: Spain's cost of feed is the highest (78 c€/kg). The EU4 countries are between 73 and 74 c€/kg, except for Denmark (69 c€/kg).
- Facilities and Management: Spain's cost is the lowest (27 c€/kg). This value is between 12 to 21 c€/kg below the EU4 countries group.
- Health: Spain's and Germany's costs are the lowest (5 c€/kg). The group EU4 average is 4 c€/kg.
- Reproduction: Spain's ans Denmark's costs are the lowest (2 c€/kg).
SIP-InterPIG Report 2014 SPAIN - EUROPE / SIP Consultors / Spain