
Ireland - Farmers welcome bid to develop pig and poultry manure technologies

Farmers have welcomed a bid to develop technologies aimed at increasing the use of organic pig and poultry manure on tillage farms.
1 March 2011
Farmers have welcomed a bid to develop technologies aimed at increasing the use of organic pig and poultry manure on tillage farms.

Under-pressure pig farmers have welcomed this joint Department of Agriculture and Teagasc initiative. This move will buy farmers some breathing space before the introduction of revised nitrates regulations in 2013.

The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Brendan Smith said: "To adapt to the new situation post-2013, I am providing funding this year to examine ways in which technology can assist in the transfer of organic manures and my department is working with the industry and Teagasc to explore ways of increasing utilisation of pig and poultry manure on tillage farms.

"Initial reaction from farmers has been positive and should lead to greater area of spread lands being available for pig and poultry farmers. This is absolutely vital preparation in advance of January 2013 when limits on the excess phosphorus to be applied will be introduced."

The department is also working with the Environmental Protection Agency on the initiative.

The goal is to reduce the administrative burden on farmers, while retaining effective control of organic fertiliser transfer.


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