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Ireland launches the country's first animal welfare strategy

Reducing tail docking in pigs is on the agenda for Ireland's first over-arching Animal Welfare Strategy.

3 February 2021

Taking a ‘One Health, One Welfare’ approach, the strategy recognises the strong interconnections and interdependences between human, animal and environmental health, and is underpinned by five guiding principles; working in partnership, science and evidence-led policy-making, improving education and knowledge, consistent evaluation and assessment, and an effective regulatory system.

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D. also announced that in a recent amendment to Ireland’s Rural Development Programme the investment ceiling available under the Pig and Poultry Investment Scheme (among the seven capital investment measures available under the Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS II)), is increased from €80,000 to €200,000 and will include some additional animal welfare conditionality. It is anticipated that this increased ceiling will be available in the next tranche of TAMS II.

Other actions under the Strategy include a renewed emphasis on animal based indicators to assess welfare standards and reducing the prevalence of tail docking in pigs.

The Animal Welfare Strategy 2021-2025 is available here.

February 1, 2021/ Government of Ireland/ Ireland. https://www.gov.ie/

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