
Ireland - National Aujesky's disease control and erradication programme

The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Brendan Smith TD, is delighted to announce that Ireland has achieved an important EU milestone in receiving official recognition of our Aujeszky's disease control and eradication status.
15 April 2010
The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Brendan Smith TD, is delighted to announce that Ireland has achieved an important EU milestone in receiving official recognition of our Aujeszky's disease control and eradication status.

Ireland is moving forward with Phase 3 of the Control and Eradication Programme, with the ultimate intention of moving to "Annex I" status - official disease freedom. Detailed testing arrangements for phase 3 of the programme which the Minister announced in early March, are now being finalised, and herd owners will receive notification to test in the coming weeks.


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