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Ireland: 3 month voluntary ban on the importation of live pigs or semen

National Pig Health Council (NPHC) Chairman Pat Kirwan, said at the meeting of the NPHC a number of measures were agreed to limit the risk of entry of the PEDv into Ireland.

16 January 2015

National Pig Health Council (NPHC) Chairman Pat Kirwan, said at the meeting of the NPHC a number of measures were agreed to limit the risk of entry of the PEDv into Ireland. These measures include:

1. An initial 3 month voluntary ban on the importation of live Pigs or Semen (including for shows and specialist breeds).
2. An initial 3 month ban on the export of live pigs for slaughter to infected countries
3. An initial 3 month voluntary ban on the sale of plasma protein/blood plasma products or products containing these substances.
4. A recommendation that all staff returning to work after the Christmas break must prove that they have been back in the country for at least 3 days. These staff should also be provided with new clothing and foot ware.
5. Biosecurity on farms / feed mills to be increased.

Friday January 2, 2015/ IFA/ Ireland.

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