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Italy: many associations sign a document in favour of the rationalization of the use of antibiotics

Many Italian farmers', veterinarians' and feed manufacturers' associations have signed a document in favour of the rationalization of the use of antibiotics.

26 February 2013

Many Italian farmers', veterinarians' and feed manufacturers' associations, amongst others, and more specifically the AIA, the ANAS, the UNAITALIA, the Assalzoo, the Confagricoltura, the FNOVI, the AISA, and the ANMVI, have signed a document in favour of the rationalization of the use of antibiotics, supporting in this way the future strategy for fighting antibiotic resistances. The document was presented to the Ministry of Health.

The main items of the document are, among others, to acknowledge the correct use of the antibiotics, to define a management protocol, to provide appropriate information to the staff, and to establish an effective and efficient system for the monitoring of the drugs sales.

Thursday February 21, 2013/ Italy.
http: //www.anmvioggi.it

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