The Italian National Pork Producers Association (ANAS, for its acronym in Italian) has processed the data from the Institute of Statistics (Istat) on trade in the pig sector in 2011. According to the data, the import of live pigs (including all categories, such as breeders) has increased by 4.7% compared to 2010. Similarly, imports of fresh meat have also increased by 1.4% while for frozen meat a decrease of 2.9% has been noted. The biggest declines were on pallets and bacon (-21.5% and -10.7%, respectively).
In relation to the export of frozen meat, this saw an increase of 25.2% and 12.7% for processed products (19.7% for sausages and 19.1% for preserved meats).

Monday April 23, 2012/ Osservatorio Nazionale/ Italy.