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Italy implements the Single National Commission for Piglets

The Single National Commission for Piglets: a new single national market for watching, protecting and making the piglets' market transparent.

16 January 2015

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry of Italy established, last December, the Single National Commission for Piglets (Commissione Unica Nazionale suinetti, CUN Suinetti): a new single national market for watching, protecting and making the piglets' market transparent. Its headquarters will be located in Mantua.

The CUN for piglets gather weekly with the aim of defining, beforehand, a tendency of the market and the average wholesale price for the following week for each individual product.

The first meeting of the CUN for piglets is scheduled for today, Thursday, 15 January 2015, at 10:30 am, in Mantua.

Wednesday, 19 December 2014/Italy.

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