According to what has been published by the Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX), the Italian National Institute of Statistics informs that, during year 2012, the importations of Spanish hams and cured sausages increased by 16% in terms of value and by 20% in terms of volume with respect to the previous year. These data are even more positive when comparing them with the fall of the total of the Italian imports of these products, that dropped by 3% in terms of value and by 7% in terms of volume.
Spain has gone from the fifth to the third position in the ranking of suppliers (in terms of value) of hams and cured sausages after beating Poland and France. Regarding the volume of the imports, Spain keeps the fifth place, but it reduces the gap with respect to France, that is the third supplier. As a consequence, the Spanish quota on the total imports has increased up to 13.2% in terms of value (10.9% in 2011) and up to 10.1% in terms of volume (7.8% in 2011).

Between 2008 and 2012, Spain has held its position as the first supplier of cured hams and shoulders to Italy, with a broad advantage with respect to the second supplier: The Netherlands. In the case of cured ham, the value of the imports has increased by about 150%, taking 46% of the Italian imports. In the case of cured shoulders, the growth has been by 82%, with a quota of 96% with respect to the total value of the purchases.
Monday November 4, 2013/ ICEX/ Spain.