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Italy launches measures to limit the use of antibiotics in animals

The Italian Chamber of Deputies has approved a series of initiatives aimed at curbing resistance to antibiotics.

6 February 2017

Among the initiatives of veterinary interest accepted by the Government are the promotion of the electronic veterinary prescription, the monitoring of consumption and the introduction of fiscal incentives for antibiotic-free farms.

The 12 approved motions include:

  • Taking into account the different species of animals, to consider initiating the necessary initiatives to prevent the development and transmission of diseases on farms, and to promote extensive breeding systems and organic farms, ensuring a greater respect for the animals' behaviour and well-being, as well as a lower incidence of infections
  • To implement farm monitoring and surveillance programs to strengthen the monitoring of animal life and health conditions, and to combat antimicrobial abuse
  • To take initiatives to create a national system to increase controls on distribution, prescription and use of veterinary drugs, as well as to promote the enforcement of electronic prescriptions for veterinary drugs in order to avoid the antibiotic abuse on farms.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017 / Italy.http://www.anmvioggi.it/

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