
Italy - Outbreak of African Swine Fever confirmed in Bono

The veterinary services of the Sassari province in Italy confirmed last week the presence of African Swine Fever on a swine farm located in the Bono area.
27 June 2011
The veterinary services of the Sassari province in Italy confirmed last week the presence of African Swine Fever on a swine farm located in the Bono area.

All of the animals involved, a total of 28, have been slaughtered, and a protection zone of 3 km that includes 50 swine farms in the areas of Bono and Anela has been established, as well as a 10 km watch zone which includes close to 200 farms in the areas of Bono, Anela, Bultei, Benetutti Bottida, Burgos, Esporlatu, Illorai and also Orotelli. The province of Nuoro is particulary affected.

The presence of the virus was unexpected since during the 2009-2010 hunting season, with more than 450 wild boars hunted, all control analysis tested negative, just as with the analysis of over 5.000 pigs on 450 different farms. Also, in the Goceano area, the disease was considered to be eradicated since 2008, which was the last time the disease was diagnosed in 4 outbreaks in the Benetutti municipality.


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