Veterinary antibiotic use in Italy has decreased by 57.5% since 2011, according to data from ESVAC (European Surveillance of Veterinary Antimicrobial Consumption). In 2022 alone national use decreased by 9.2% (up 5.3% from the previous year).
Sales reductions from 2011 to 2022:

- -57.5% total annual sales of antimicrobials
- -76.2% sales of third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins
- -59% fluoroquinolones
- - 95.9% quinolones
- - 98.1% polymyxin
The majority of domestic sales relate to three classes of antibiotics: penicillins, tetracyclines, and sulfonamides, accounting for 34.6%, 22.6%, and 13.8% of total sales, respectively.
November 22, 2023/ National Association of Italian Veterinary Doctors/ Italy.