According to data processed by the National Association of pig producers in Italy (ANAS), throughout December there was a slight decrease in the number of sows compared to the same month last year. In December the number of sows rose to 708,770 head.
The ANAS data on information developed by the Italian Statistics Institute (ISTAT) shows a decrease of 1.20% for sows, with the regions of Marche and Campania presenting the greatest decreases (1.33% and 1.31% , respectively). Lombardy, the region with the largest number of sows (300 591) has lost 1.19% of its livestock.

On the other hand, in the number of pigs weighing over 50 kg, revealed a slight increase of 0.7%. The regions that have experienced major increases are those that lost the largest amount of sows, Marche and Campania (1.12% and 1.10% respectively). In contrast, Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna increased the number of animals over 50 kg by 0.66%, 0.72% and 0.71% respectively.
Tuesday March 20, 2012/Osservatorio Nazionale ANAS/Italy.