The Italian National Pig Producers' Association (ANAS) estimates, based on the data published by the Italian Statistical Institute (Istat), that in 2014, the imports of fresh and frozen hams (including the ones imported with whole / half carcasses) increased by 8.5% with respect to 2013, with a total of more than 62 million hams. This increase has been accompanied by a rise in raw (+11%) and cooked (4.3%) hams exports.
In the same study ANAS estimates that the ham production potential was of some 23 million units (3.4% less than in 2013), with a fall in the consumption of PDO hams by 3.2% in 2014 in comparison with 2013. 70% of the hams are consumed in Italy. The international markets have absorbed more than 2.6 million of Parma hams, with a increase by 88,000 units (+3.5%) compared to 2013, with and estimated turnover of €250 million. The results of the exports to US (565.000 hams exported, +12.5%), Japan (+3%) and Australia (+8%) were excellent .

April 2014/ANAS/ Italy.