For the first time in decades, trade in pigs and pig products from Sardinia will be authorised in some areas without health restrictions, under the control of the competent authorities. These new measures also subject other areas to lighter restrictions than the previous ones, with a localised area still remaining subject to stricter conditions on movements from the island of pigs and pig products. These changes reflect the current epidemiological situation of the disease in Sardinia and stem from a Commission proposal, which today received the Member States' full support, to review the island's zoning measures.
The measure reopens trade for 84% of Sardinia's pig production, according to statements by the President of the region, Christian Solinas.

The disease has been endemic on the island since 1978. Eradication programmes are in place for 40 years, and an “extraordinary plan” was launched in 2015. As a result, the number of ASF outbreaks in Sardinia has drastically declined, as confirmed by the last Commission audit of 2021 and new data from the Italian authorities.
These measures will be published in the Official Journal and will enter into force in the coming days.
December 19, 2022/ 333 Staff.