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Japan is the 12th destination of the Spanish pork exports

Japan is the twelfth destination of the Spanish pork exports, with more than 28,000 tons, and it is placed in the eighth place in terms of the value.

15 April 2013

According to data published by the ICEX in its market survey "Japan's pork market 2013", in year 2012 Spain regained the sixth place in the ranking of countries that export pork to Japan, and it maintained its position as the leader of exports of non-deboned cured ham to Japan, occupying the second place in terms of boneless cured ham.

According to the Spanish Meat Exportation Office (OECE), Japan is the twelfth destination of the Spanish pork exports, with more than 28,000 tons, occupying the eighth place with respect to the value, and this means more than 99 million euros during the first 11 months of 2012. The OECE estimates that from the total of pork exported to Japan, around 15-20% of the volume (approximately 4,000 tons) is Iberian pig meat.

February 2013/ ICEX/ Spain.

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