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Belgium: Japan lifts embargo on pork meat

The lifting of the Japanese embargo is particularly significant as Japan represents an important market for the Belgian pork sector.

3 September 2021

Japan is the 14th country to lift its embargo on Belgian pork following Korea, South Africa, Singapore, Belarus, Belarus, Mexico, Uruguay, Ukraine, Russia, New Caledonia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, Thailand, and Nicaragua.

This lifting of the Japanese embargo is particularly significant for Belgium as Japan represents an important market for the Belgian pork sector. In 2018, before the embargo, Belgium exported almost 600 tons of meat to Japan (according to FEBEV - The Federation of Belgian Meat).

AFSCA (Belgium's Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain) continues its efforts to reopen other export markets that are still closed. Discussions are well underway for Australia and Taiwan, but are more complicated with other countries such as China.

September 1, 2021/ AFSCA/ Belgium.

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