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Japan: Okinawa sees first CSF outbreak in 33 years

At least 1,800 pigs are to be culled after CSF was reported on two farms in Okinawa, the first case in that prefecture in 33 years.

9 January 2020

Japan's Okinawa Prefecture said Wednesday that pig farms in the prefecture have been hit by classical swine fever (CSF), a new outbreak after about 33 years.

According to local media reports, two pig farms in the city of Uruma in Okinawa were stricken by CSF. The two farms have about 1,800 pigs in total, all of which Okinawa plans to cull starting Wednesday.

The prefecture has also asked for support from the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force in culling the infected hogs.

Taku Eto, Japan's minister for agriculture, forestry and fisheries, said that the infected pig farms have local Okinawan pig species, which may be a major blow to the prefecture, and the ministry will do all it can to contain the outbreak.

This is the first outbreak of CSF in Okinawa since October 1986. Okinawa is the eighth prefecture in Japan to report an outbreak of CSF on pig farms since the disease returned to the country in 2018 after a 26-year hiatus.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020 /Xinhua/ Japan.

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