Kenya - Pig farmers are focus of effort to stop spread of parasite that causes epilepsy
The goal is to stop the pigs from spreading a type of tapeworm that can infect the brain in humans and that is a major cause of epilepsy in poor countries, particularly in Africa, Asia and Latin America, where millions are infected.
Inspecting pork, treating people with intestinal worms and treating pigs can eliminate the worms, but those solutions are not always available in poor countries. Writing in The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, researchers from the University of Nairobi and the University of Guelph, in Canada, described an education program in western Kenya that taught farmers how the disease spreads and showed them how to identify infected meat, cook it to destroy worms, recognize tapeworm parts in stool and tether or confine pigs to keep them away from human waste. Researchers in Kenya have been trying a seemingly unlikely tactic to prevent epilepsy: teaching farmers to tether their pigs.
The goal is to stop the pigs from spreading a type of tapeworm that can infect the brain in humans and that is a major cause of epilepsy in poor countries, particularly in Africa, Asia and Latin America, where millions are infected.