According to FAS-USDA estimates, Korea’s sow herd to continue to expand in 2017. Recently published survey data confirm this expansion, pegging the number at 974,000 head. Other sources expect the average herd size for 2017 at over a million head. Regardless, such high sow numbers will increase the 2017 pig crop. Additionally, improvements in piglets saved per sow per year (PSY) due to better control of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) leads to raise the piglet forecast higher than originally expected.
As total swine inventory continues to rise in 2017 total swine slaughter is also projected to increase. Higher piglet production in 2017 will further drive slaughter higher. The increase in pork production is a result of such high inventory. The Korea Rural Economic Institute is projecting that total pork production in 2017 will increase by 1.5 percent.
Thursday March 30, 2017/ FAS-USDA/ United States.