According to Eurostat report "A statistical portrait of agriculture in the EU", Germany (28.3 million swine, or 19% of the EU total) and Spain (26.6 million, or 18%) were by far the two Member States with the largest numbers in the EU in 2014. Of the 148.3 million pigs in the EU , more than a third were located in these two Member States.
In terms of value, pigs, cattle and sheep represent 17% of total agricultural output in the EU and account for 42% of animal production.

On the other hand, the Member State contributing the most to the value of agricultural production was France (accounting for 18% of the EU total), followed at a distance by Germany (14%), Italy (13%), Spain (10%), the United Kingdom (8%), the Netherlands (7%) and Poland (5%). Together, these seven Member States represent around three-quarters of total EU agricultural output.
Thursday February 18, 2016/ Eurostat/ European Union.