In the 12 months period September 2014 to August 2015, EU agri-food exports to third countries attained the amount of almost EUR 128 billion, meaning an increase by 6.3% in value compared to the same period one year ago. Until the month of July, export performance in 2015 showed global outstanding results compared to the previous year.
Over the 12 months period, major gains in export values were achieved in the USA (+18%) and China (+37%), now second export destination gaining the place of Russia, as well as on other key Asian markets such as Hong Kong (+15%) and South Korea (+27%). Also, agri-food exports to Turkey increased significantly during the considered period (+27%). Due to the ban, Russia fell down to fourth position as the overall EU agri-food exports to Russia decreased from EUR 10.7 billion to EUR 6.1 billion (-43%) over the considered period.

Analysing export performance per product category, milk powders, cheese, fruit and vegetables lost in export values over the 12 months period, all of them products concerned by the Russian embargo. Also, sheep and goat meat suffered a loss of 15% in export values (although at minor absolute value compared to other products). On the other hand, export values for live animals (including bovines; +18%) and meat, in particular beef (+8%) increased over the last 12 months compared to the year before. Concerning other products, particular high increases in export values were registered for cereals, infant food and other preparations, wine and spirits. High increases in percentage terms were also registered for raw tobacco and hides, skins and furskins.
In relation to EU imports, in the period September 2014 to August 2015 total agri-food imports from third countries amounted to €110 billion, corresponding to an increase by 8% compared to the same period one year ago. On a monthly base, imports went down in August 2015 compared to July 2015 by 7%. Analysing the origin, imports from Brazil, the traditional first EU supplier, remained quite stable, with a slight increase by 3%, slowing down in August 2015 compared to July (-14%). Imports from the USA, which is already an important supplier, further increased (EUR +1.46 billion; +14.5%) over the last 12 months. Remarkable increase in imports was recorded from Turkey (EUR +948 million; +25%) and from Vietnam (EUR +449 million; +26%).
Thursday November 11, 2015/ EC/ European Union.