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Latin America to see increased pork production in 2023, according to USDA

Production and export estimates for Brazil were revised upward, while import volumes for Mexico were revised downward.

31 January 2023
Prepared by 333 Latin America with data from FAS - USDA.

Prepared by 333 Latin America with data from FAS - USDA.

Latin America

Production is expected to reach 8.05 million tons (Mt), which represents an increase of 2.5% with respect to 2022 (7.86 Mt). Estimates for international trade indicate a growth of 4.7% for exports and 0.1% for imports. In this sense, apparent consumption would grow by 1.4%, going from 7.92 Mt to 8.03 Mt.

The breakdown of the projections for the main pork-producing countries is as follows:


Latin America's leading pork producer is expected to see a 2.0% increase in production with respect to 2022, with production going from 4.35 Mt to 4.43 Mt. It is also projected that the volume of exports would reach 1.37 Mt, which represents an increase of 3.9% compared to the previous year (1.32 Mt). Imports should reach 2,000 tons (t) and apparent consumption would grow by 1.1%, reaching 3.07 Mt.


Production in Mexico is expected to reach 1.6 Mt, which would be 4.6% above the 2022 total (1.53 Mt). With this production volume, the Central American country would continue to be the region's second-leading producer. Imports are expected to fall by 2.7%, from 1.28 Mt to 1.24 Mt, although Mexico will maintain its position as the region's largest importer. Exports should increase by 3.3%, going from 300,000 to 310,000 t, while apparent consumption would increase by 1% with a total of 2.53 Mt.


Argentina's pork production is expected to increase by 1.4% over the previous year, from 700,000 to 710,000 tons. Both exports and imports are estimated to remain at 5,000 and 65,000 t, respectively, while apparent consumption is expected to increase by 1.3%, reaching 770,000 t.


Chilean production is projected to increase by 0.8% compared to 2022, going from 590,000 to 595,000 tons. Regarding international trade, USDA projects increases of 12.5% for exports (225,000 t) and 33.3% for imports (120,000 t). Apparent consumption is expected to grow by 2.1% to 490,000 t.


Pork production is expected to reach 525,000 tons, which represents a 6.1% increase compared to 2022 (495,000 tons). On the other hand, a decrease of 6.3% is estimated in the volume of imports, which would go from 160,000 to 150,000 tons. Apparent consumption would increase by 3.1%, reaching 675,000 tons.

Dominican Republic

In the Dominican Republic, production is expected to decrease by 9.1%, from 55,000 to 50,000 tons. Imports would increase by 5.6%, reaching 95,000 tons, while apparent consumption would remain at 145,000 tons. This country is experiencing a reconfiguration of the pork market due to the outbreaks of African swine fever.


Production and exports would remain stable at 64,000 and 1,000 t, respectively, while imports (36,000 t) would increase by 2.9%. Apparent consumption would grow by 1%, reaching 99,000 t.

333 Latin America with data from USDA, United States.

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