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Launch of Porcine Health Management (PHM), the official journal of the ECPHM and EAPHM

This new journal, which puts the pig in a central position, has been jointly established by the ECPHM and EAPHM.

20 April 2015

The new journal Porcine Health Management (PHM) was launched last week. This new journal, which puts the pig in a central position, has been jointly established by the European College of Porcine Health and Management and the European Association of Porcine Health Management.

Porcine Health Management aims to publish relevant, novel and revised information regarding all aspects on swine health medicine and production. The journal provides a venue for global research on swine health and production, including infectious and non-infectious diseases, reproduction, epidemiology, management, economics, genetics, housing, nutrition, animal welfare and ethics, legislation, food safety, drugs and surgery. PHM also welcomes submissions on relevant clinical cases related with all areas mentioned above. In addition, the journal covers wildlife aspects considered to have an interrelation with domestic swine.

Thursday April 16, 2015/ PHM.

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