The corn planting area was much greater than expected, nearing 2 million hectares. About 564,000 hectares more than expected were sown in the core region. Excluding the area destined for animal consumption and losses (leafhoppers), the commercial corn area (grain harvest) reached 1.6 million hectares.
How much corn was lost to leafhoppers in the region?

Before the leafhopper, an average corn yield of 10.3 t/ha was estimated in the region, which would have resulted in at least 16.5 Mt for the season. The impact is enormous, considering that the leafhopper only affects late sowings. Thus, the 2023/24 corn season ends with a yield of 9.1 t/ha and a production of 14.5 Mt.
May 23, 2024/ Rosario Stock Exchange/ Argentina.