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Lithuania bans imports of live pigs and pork from Belarus

26th June 2013, with a view to preventing a spread of this serious epidemic disease, the order of director of the State Food and Veterinary Service No. B1-451 was issued.

15 July 2013

26th June 2013, with a view to preventing a spread of this serious epidemic disease, the order of director of the State Food and Veterinary Service No. B1-451 “For African swine fever monitoring and control measures” was issued.

The order temporarily prohibits import from Belarus to Lithuania animals, susceptible for African swine fever (swine and wild boar), their products, animal by-products, raw materials, feeds and their additives (not only with animal protein, but herbal too). In districts bordering with Belarus and the Russian Federation, trade in live pigs, exhibitions of pigs, fairs and other events were also prohibited by the imposed Order. The state control of trade of animal products, raw materials, feeds and their additives in marketplaces was tightened, as well as the veterinary control of pigs place of storage was strengthened. Pig keepers and private veterinarians were warned of tightening of biological safety measures (eg. to keep the pigs outdoor forbidden). The plenipotentiary veterinarians and hunters are obliged to take more samples of pigs and boars to identify the African swine fever in districts, bordering with Belarus and the Russian Federation.

Wednesday June 26, 2013/ State Food and Veterinary Service/ Lithuania.

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