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Lithuania: new outbreak of ASF in a backyard farm

A dead pig (a 5-month-old male showing clinical signs similar to African swine fever) was delivered to the National Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment Institute from a backyard farm (with 2 pigs).

7 August 2014

According to the OIE, a dead pig (a 5-month-old male showing clinical signs similar to African swine fever) was delivered on 5 August 2014 to the National Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment Institute (NFVRAI) from a backyard farm (with 2 pigs) located in Tauragnu parish (Utena). The pig had started to be sick on 29 July 2014 and died late night on 4 August. The other pig (a 5-month-old female) was clinically healthy. The State Food and Veterinary Service was immediately informed about this case and samples from the dead pig and blood samples from the clinically healthy pig were taken for PCR and ELISA.

On 6 August 2014, the NFVRAI confirmed African swine fever using real-time PCR and found positive results to African swine fever antibodies using ELISA. The other pig (the 5-month-old female) tested negative by PCR and ELISA. The clinically healthy pig was killed and destroyed.

20140806-asf lithuaniç

Wednesday August 6, 2014/ OIE.

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