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Lombardy and Piedmont will be able to apply more slurry than that allowed by the Directive

The exception will allow the regions of Lombardy and Piedmont to apply up to 250 kg N/ha and year from swine slurry and cattle dung.

13 July 2016

The Italian regions of Lombardy and Piedmont wil be able to go on applying an amount of slurry and dung higher than that allowed by the Directive relative to the protection of waters against contamination with nitrates from agricultural sources, according to a Resolution published in the Official Journal of the EU after the EU having accepted the exemption request presented by Italy.

The exception will allow, in the regions of Lombardy and Piedmont, to apply up to 250 kg of nitrogen per hectare and year from swine slurry and cattle dung treated on farms with at least 70% of crops with long growth cycles and with a high nitrogen absortion level.

It is estimated that in the regions of Lombardy and Piedmont there are some 600 cattle farms and some 60 pig farms that may benefit, potentially, from the abolition.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016/Italy. http://www.greenreport.it/

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