According to USDA, Malaysia’s pork production is forecast to remain relatively stable at about 235,000 tons in 2014. Similarly, swine population numbers have been constant at around 1.8 million head, and are not expected to increase.
The average farm size is about 2,500 head, with about 150 sows. However, on peninsular Malaysia, several large farms exist with sow herds ranging from 3,000 to 4,500.

The sector consumes about 1.5 million tons of compound feed annually; the feed ingredients (primarily soybean meal and corn) are almost all imported. In addition, the sector relies almost exclusively on external supplies for herd improvement, importing both live boars/gilts and genetic material. Similarly, industry managers look to other countries for technical expertise and support, and often complain that GOM does little to assist in production.
While Malaysia’s population in about 29.6 million, only about 40 percent consume pork. Thus, the number of potential pork consumers in Malaysia is about double that of Singapore, but with significantly less purchasing power than their southern neighbors. Malaysia’s pork consumption is forecast to remain around 240,000 tons. This implies a per capita consumption for the entire population of around 8.1 kgs annually, but the effective per capita consumption among the actual pork consumers is about 20 kgs. per annum. Given demographic trends, and the outright opposition to pork in Malaysia, consumption is forecast to decline beyond 2014.
Imports in 2014 are forecast to be about 9,000 tons. About 80 percent of the cuts imported are ribs and bellies.
EU countries are the largest suppliers, followed by Australia and Canada. Pork imports declined significantly from 2011 to 2012 due to a change in import requirements. In June 2011, the Ministry of Agriculture notified exporting countries that pork imports were no longer allowed pending audits of each plant wishing to export to Malaysia. As a result, imports were halted for several months as countries’ scheduled audits for those plants interested in exporting. Currently, the following countries have slaughter facilities eligible to export: Australia (7 plants), Belgium (7), Canada (5), China (3), Germany (13), Portugal (1), Spain (10), Thailand (2), Vietnam (2).
Wednesday February 26, 2014/ GAIN-FAS/ USDA.