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Malaysia: No antibiotic in animal feed soon

“This is the first step towards prohibiting the use of antibiotics considered critical for humans”.

13 December 2018

Colistin antibiotic, one of the antibiotics used by farmers and treated as a growth-promoting agent, will be banned in animal feed come Jan 1, said Datuk Salah­uddin Ayub.

“This is the first step towards prohibiting the use of antibiotics considered critical for humans,” said Salahuddin in a press confe­rence during the Antibiotics Use Awareness Prog­ramme at Animal Farms, held in conjunction with World Anti­micro­bial Resistance Awareness Week, according to The Star.

Salahuddin warned that the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) would be monitoring animal farms and processing plants, and if the animals or animal products were found to contain antibiotic residue or other drugs, the operators’ licences would be revoked.

He added that the department, through the ministry, would phase out in stages the use of other antimicrobial agents (that are commonly used in humans) in animal food.

Sunday December 2, 2018/ The Star/ Malaysia.

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