Monthly exports particularly increased for the US, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Russia and Korea. Between June 2016 and May 2017, EU agri-food exports reached a value of € 131.8 billion, corresponding to a sustained increase by 2.6%.
After a dip in April, the monthly value of EU agri-food exports rebounded in May 2017 and reached a value of EUR 11.5 billion, which is EUR 923 million (+9%) higher than in May 2016, and 15% higher than the 4-year average. Highest increases in monthly export values (May 2016 compared to May 2017, EUR million) were recorded for the US (+122), China (+105), Japan (+88), Hong Kong (+79), Russia (+75) and Korea (+71). Monthly exports (EUR million) fell significantly to Morocco (-80) for a 2nd con-secutive month, Algeria (-37) and Egypt (-33).

For the 12-months period June 2016 to May 2017, EU agri-food exports reached a value of EUR 131.8 billion, corresponding to a sustained increase by 2.6% in value terms compared to the same period one year ago.
Major gains in annual values are being achieved in agri-food exports to China (EUR +683 million; +6%) and the US (EUR +678 million; +3%). Further annual increases are being recorded in agri-food exports to Korea (EUR +658 million) and to Japan (EUR +605 million). Increased exports to Vietnam (EUR +339 million) Russia (EUR +312 million, for non-banned products) and Israel (EUR +236 million) have also being taking place in the last twelve-month period.
Despite a reduction in pig meat exports in the March-May 2017 period, export performance increased significantly over the last twelve months (EUR +794 million; +17%). Other product categories that are performing well include wine (EUR +758 million; +7%), infant food (EUR +757 million; +12%), meat offal (EUR +488 million; 19%) and cigars and cigarettes (EUR +382 million; +12%).
Wheat and other cereals exports experience the biggest drop on an annual base (EUR -1.0 billion;-18% and EUR 776 million, -30%, respectively). Only two other categories, namely raw hides and skins (EUR -259 million; -13%) and eggs and honey (EUR 131 million; -17%) recorded notable losses in export values over the last 12 months, though wool and silk registered a high percentage fall (-22%).
Monday July 24, 2017/ DG Agriculture/ European Union.