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May 2017: Agri-food exports bounce back above average values

The report shows that the total value of EU agri-food exports increased by 9% in May 2017 compared to last year.

27 July 2017

Monthly exports particularly increased for the US, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Russia and Korea. Between June 2016 and May 2017, EU agri-food exports reached a value of € 131.8 billion, corresponding to a sustained increase by 2.6%.

After a dip in April, the monthly value of EU agri-food exports rebounded in May 2017 and reached a value of EUR 11.5 billion, which is EUR 923 million (+9%) higher than in May 2016, and 15% higher than the 4-year average. Highest increases in monthly export values (May 2016 compared to May 2017, EUR million) were recorded for the US (+122), China (+105), Japan (+88), Hong Kong (+79), Russia (+75) and Korea (+71). Monthly exports (EUR million) fell significantly to Morocco (-80) for a 2nd con-secutive month, Algeria (-37) and Egypt (-33).

For the 12-months period June 2016 to May 2017, EU agri-food exports reached a value of EUR 131.8 billion, corresponding to a sustained increase by 2.6% in value terms compared to the same period one year ago.

Major gains in annual values are being achieved in agri-food exports to China (EUR +683 million; +6%) and the US (EUR +678 million; +3%). Further annual increases are being recorded in agri-food exports to Korea (EUR +658 million) and to Japan (EUR +605 million). Increased exports to Vietnam (EUR +339 million) Russia (EUR +312 million, for non-banned products) and Israel (EUR +236 million) have also being taking place in the last twelve-month period.

Despite a reduction in pig meat exports in the March-May 2017 period, export performance increased significantly over the last twelve months (EUR +794 million; +17%). Other product categories that are performing well include wine (EUR +758 million; +7%), infant food (EUR +757 million; +12%), meat offal (EUR +488 million; 19%) and cigars and cigarettes (EUR +382 million; +12%).

Wheat and other cereals exports experience the biggest drop on an annual base (EUR -1.0 billion;-18% and EUR 776 million, -30%, respectively). Only two other categories, namely raw hides and skins (EUR -259 million; -13%) and eggs and honey (EUR 131 million; -17%) recorded notable losses in export values over the last 12 months, though wool and silk registered a high percentage fall (-22%).

Monday July 24, 2017/ DG Agriculture/ European Union.

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