During 2016, the drop in meat consumption in The Netherlands (that was falling since 2010) came to a halt, according to a study carried out by the Wageningen University. During 2016, the Dutch consumed 76.8 kg of meat, almost the same as in 2015 (measured as bone-on carcass weight).
From the total, 47.5% was pork and 29% chicken.

Between 2010 and 2015 the consumption of meat by the Dutch dropped by 3%, going from 79 kg in 2010 to 76.6 kg in 2015. The consumption of pork in 2016 was almost the same than in 2015, with 36.5 kg, after continuous drops since 2011.

Evolution of meat consumption in the Netherlands
October 2017/ Vleesconsumptie per hoofd van de bevolking in Nederland, 2005-2016/ Wageningen University/ The Netherlands.