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Meat substitutes production triples in Germany

In the first quarter of 2020, German companies produced 37% more meat substitute products than for the same period in 2019.

Source: Destatis
Source: Destatis
21 September 2020

In Germany, meat substitute products such as vegetarian spreads, soy patties or tofu are increasing in demand and production. In the first quarter of 2020, meat substitute products production rose by 37% from almost 14,700 tons to 20,000 tons compared to the same quarter of the previous year .

The production value for meat substitute products rose in the same period by 36% from just under 62.4 million euros to 85.1 million euros. For all of 2019, the production value of meat substitute products reached 272.8 million euros. This sum is still relatively small compared to meat production. The total production value of the meat, poultry and processed meat categories in 2019 was 40.1 billion euros.

July 21, 2020/ Federal Statistical Office (Destatis)/ Germany.

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