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Mexican households are spending more on pork

Within the animal protein category, spending on pork grew the second most between 2020 and 2022.

12 September 2023

Highlights of the results from the most recent National Household Income and Expenditure Survey (ENIGH) are presented for food items.

  • When the survey was done two years ago, families preferred fruits and vegetables over animal proteins, however in the latest survey conducted in 2022, there was an inverse behavior, which could be attributed to a lower inflationary impact.
  • The share of household spending on animal protein rose to 39.1% and its value increased by 30.2%.
Figure 1. Share of household food expenditure items in 2022 and breakdown of animal proteins. Prepared by the 333 Latin America with data from Grupo Consultor de Mercados Agrícolas (GCMA) and ENIGH 2022.

Figure 1. Share of household food expenditure items in 2022 and breakdown of animal proteins. Prepared by the 333 Latin America with data from Grupo Consultor de Mercados Agrícolas (GCMA) and ENIGH 2022.

  • Within the animal protein category, household spending on pork was the second fastest growing between 2020 and 2022 at 42.9%, however, its share (8.9%) is still lower than that of poultry (20.9%) and beef and veal (20.1%).
Figure 2. Estimated quarterly household spending on animal protein in 2022 and variation with respect to 2020, figures in Millions of Mexican pesos (MMXN). Prepared by 333 Latin America with data from Grupo Consultor de Mercados Agrícolas (GCMA) and ENIGH 2022.

Figure 2. Estimated quarterly household spending on animal protein in 2022 and variation with respect to 2020, figures in Millions of Mexican pesos (MMXN). Prepared by 333 Latin America with data from Grupo Consultor de Mercados Agrícolas (GCMA) and ENIGH 2022.

  • Spending on other foods rose 3%, although its share fell to 28.7%.
  • Expenditure on food consumed within the home increased by 28.9%.
  • The share of food and beverages consumed outside the home recovered, reaching 9.9%, the level of the pre-pandemic period.

333 Latin America with data from Grupo Consultor de Mercados Agrícolas (GCMA).

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