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Mexico: Pig production grows 2% in the first half of the year

Although the growth rate of pork production is very similar to that of beef and only half that of poultry, pork remains the most competitive in terms of consumer prices.

16 September 2022

According to the latest figures published by the Agrifood and Fisheries Information Service (SIAP), pork production for the first half of the year grew 2.0% compared to the same period of 2021, from 818,073 to 834,523 tons (t). Production for the month of June reached 141,564 t, which represents a 1.1% growth compared to the same month of the previous year (139,990 t) and a 0.2% drop compared to May (141,910 t).

Source: SIAP. Calculations by the Department of Economics and Market Intelligence of 333 Latin America. Figures in tons.

Source: SIAP. Calculations by the Department of Economics and Market Intelligence of 333 Latin America. Figures in tons.

It is worth noting that the growth observed in the swine industry in the first half of the year is very similar to that of beef (2.1%), which reached 1,045,300 tons. Poultry meat grew 4.0% for the semester going from 1,771,200 t in 2021 to 1,842,931 t in 2022. Despite the fact that pork production has the lowest growth compared to beef and chicken, it must be taken into account that it is the most competitive in terms of consumer price, which gives it a certain advantage over the other proteins, despite their higher production.

Source: INEGI. National Consumer Price Index (INPC). % Year-on-year percent variation.

Source: INEGI. National Consumer Price Index (INPC). % Year-on-year percent variation.

In fact, the National Consumer Price Index (INPC) for the month of June shows double-digit annual variations for eggs (24%), chicken (17.5%), and beef (15.4%), while prices for pork increased by only 3.5%.

The Economics and Market Intelligence Department of 333 Latin America, with data from: SIAP and NEGI/ Mexico.

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