The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food of Mexico (SAGARPA), committed himself to signing a Cooperation Agreement with the Ministry of the Environment and Food of Denmark to increase the exchange in agriculture and livestock matters that will refer, in a first stage, to pig production.
The agreement’s goal will be to increase the technological exchange in pig production matters with Denmark, that is considered a model in terms of productivity and good practices such as animal welfare, and the management of slurry and residues.

The agreement will be signed in April, will last for three years, will include other products and will be wide-ranging, so there is an intense exchange between the Danish and the Mexican producers not only in terms of pig production, but also in other matters.
We must highlight that Mexico has 16.7 million pig heads, and in 2016 it exported slightly more than 105,000 tonnes of pork with an approximate value of USD445 million.
Wednesday, February 7th, 2018/ SAGARPA/ Mexico.