Last week the main aspects of the 2015 budget were presented to support the Mexican countryside, as well as various measures with high impact on the sector, highlighting marketing support to trade in order to take account of the current international climate of low prices.
The countryside is a public policy priority for the Federal Government. In order to highlight its importance, last November 13th the Congress approved a historical record budget for this sector by allocating resources to the Special Concurrent Program for Sustainable Rural Development (PEC —Programa Especial Concurrente) of 353,007.3 million pesos, 14,337.4 million pesos more than in 2014. Particularly, SAGARPA was allocated 92,141.8 million pesos, representing an increase of 7.5% in real terms compared to 2014. The Federal Government expresses its wider recognition to the Members for their strong support to the Mexican countryside.
Regarding livestock production, the Livestock Development Program will receive resources of about 6,951.7 million pesos for 2015, allowing the restocking of livestock herds after the drought period in Mexico.

Wednesday, November 19th, 2014/ SAGARPA/ Mexico.