In Mexico there are 265,747 producers that work in the stockbreeding sector, and they provide the tables of the Mexicans with meat, egg and dairy products, so necessary for the feeding of the more than 112 million inhabitants (according to the data of the Statistics and Geography National Institute).
According to the Stockbreeding National Register, in Mexico there are around one million stockbreeding units in which different animal species are reared to produce food and other non-food goods.
In 2011, as the Agribusiness and Fishing Information Service (SIAP) detailed, the livestock sector reached a production of 19 million tons with a value of 264,244 million Mexican pesos distributed among meat (carcasses), milk, eggs and honey, among others.
In the case of the carcasses, the organism of the Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food Ministry (SAGARPA), specified that a total production of 5,892 million tons was reached between the bovine, ovine, goat, swine and fowl species, with a total commercial value of 173,933 million Mexican pesos.
Sunday November 4, 2012/ SAGARPA/ Mexico.