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Mexico adds more canine units to prevent the entry of pests and diseases

Senasica had more than 90 canine inspectors at the end of 2024, which are strategic to check commercial shipments and luggage and intercept risk products.

20 January 2025

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, through the National Agri-Food Health, Safety and Quality Service (Senasica), incorporated 13 new canine units to maintain and strengthen the inspection of agri-foodstuffs at ports, airports, borders, and Federal Verification and Inspection Points (PVIF).

The new canine units are part of the 67th generation of Senasica's Canine Training Center (Ceacan), whose graduation took place in Tecámac, State of Mexico.

The canine units contribute to the strategy for the detection of animals with worms in the PVIF of Catazajá, Chiapas. Their work consists of sniffing and, if necessary, identifying cattle, pigs, sheep, or goats with larvae, before undergoing visual inspection by an expert, and applying larvicide and deworming treatments.

Three units specialized in identifying pork meat aromas work at ports and airports, through a collaboration agreement with the Organization of Mexican Pork Producers (Opormex), and contribute to the strategy to prevent the entry of African swine fever (ASF) into the country.

Since its creation in 2012, Ceacan has specialized as the training center to train dogs and handlers for surveillance and inspection work in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. This has allowed it to be recognized by the International Regional Organization for Plant and Animal Health (OIRSA) as a Regional Reference Center for the training of canine units for the region in 2022.

By the end of 2024, Senasica has more than 90 canine inspectors who are strategic to check an average of 250 thousand commercial shipments, more than two million pieces of luggage, and intercept more than 100 thousand kilograms of risk products each year.

December 25, 2024/ Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development/ Mexico.

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