With the aim of encouraging productivity and improving the investment ability in all the stockbreeding value networks in Mexico, the Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) and the Established Trusts in Relation with Agriculture (FIRA) signed a collaboration agreement in which there is the integration of a large program of actions and resources for supporting producers and national stockbreeding companies by means of technical counselling, consultancy and training services that contribute to the improvement of the productivity, with which the integration of the stockbreeding value networks in order to encourage their competitiveness and sustainability is fomented.
The agreement establishes, in a first stage, an investment of 262 million pesos to give incentives to four main components: 1) encouraging the productivity of the production based on the technological innovation with an appropriate handling of the natural resources, 2) improving the investment ability and promoting the integration of value chains that have an influence on the solution of commercialisation problems, 3) developing the productive potential with investments and incentives for increasing the national supply of animal origin foods, and 4) encouraging highly competitive production systems.

Monday May 12, 2014/ SAGARPA/ Mexico.