During a bilateral meeting held by the Mexican and Guatemalan health authorities, they agreed on working on the official approval of the health and harmlessness of the fruit and vegetable products produced under Hazard Reduction Systems as a requisite for their entrance and circulation through the Republic of Mexico. These actions are directed towards the intensification of the trade of food and agriculture products.
During this meeting, it was also suggested to coordinate the actions of the Health and Phytosantary Measures Committee within the Mexican-Central America Free Trade Treaty as an alternative for the dealing with phyto-and zoosanitary matters.

In the same way, the government of the Republic of Mexico will support Guatemala so it is deemed free of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) with the aim of making its health status be the same as that in Mexico and, in this way, reducing the risk that this disease might be reintroduced in Mexico. With this aim, the SENASICA will provide training to the Guatemalan technicians on the management of pig farms so good stockbreeding practices are implemented and the biosafety levels are improved.
Regarding the bilateral matters, Mexico stated its interest in exporting to Guatemala cattle and live pigs, as well as carcasses of both species, live fowl, and by-products such as eggs and milk.
On the other hand, Guatemala stated its desire of diversifying and increasing the trade of fruit, fresh vegetables and ornamental plants with the Mexican market.
Tuesday July 8, 2014/ SAGARPA/ Mexico.