The governments of Mexico and the Russian Federation develop tasks focused on the strengthening of the supplementary trade in the food and agriculture area with the aim that Mexico exports beef, pork, and fowl and dairy products, and that the Russians commercialise wheat, fertilisers and agricultural machinery.
These actions are part of the strategic plan for the diversification of agriculture and livestock markets implemented by the Mexican government, and it shows an important progress after the Meeting of the Ministers of Agriculture in the context of the G20 Meeting, held in Berlin (Germany) early on this year.

In this meeting, the Russian Federation asked Mexico for the shipment of 300,000 tonnes of beef to supply its market. Since then, the SENASICA and the Russian Federation Veterinary Services (Rosselkhoznadzor) have worked on the certifications and protocols needed so the Mexican meat can enter Russia.
With the aim of proceeding with this work, the principal of the SAGARPA, Mr José Calzada Rovirosa, and the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Mr Denis Manturov, held a meeting in which they agreed on the need of increasing the food and agriculture trade flow between both nations.
During the meeting, both Ministers agreed on strengthening the exchange of information and health protocols to also strengthen the trade of Mexican tropical fruit and beverages. It was also specified that the Mexican products fulfil the strictest international regulations, so there will be no obstacles to improve the trade with this country, as well as to the opening of niche markets for agricultural products such as bananas, papaya and mango, among others.
For his part, Mr Denis Manturov pointed out that his country is interested in expanding and strengthening the trade with Mexico, especially in the agricultural and livestock sphere, so it will drive actions to achieve a greater exchange of products in favour of both countries. The Russian Minister also showed interest in increasing the volume of Russian fertilisers (potassium) in the Mexican market, and in offering wheat, a proposal that Minister Calzada agreed to consider as an alternative to the supply by the USA.
Tuesday, October 24th, 2017/ SENASICA/ Mexico.