
Mexico announces reliable importer program for meat and poultry

On May 28, 2010, Mexico published in the Diario Oficial (Federal Register) a new Reliable Importer Program for meat and poultry imports. This voluntary program will allow shipments of imported meat and poultry to forego sanitary inspection at the border, and instead be inspected at the destination, reducing logistical bottlenecks at border inspection points.
16 June 2010
On May 28, 2010, Mexico published in the Diario Oficial (Federal Register) a new Reliable Importer Program for meat and poultry imports. This voluntary program will allow shipments of imported meat and poultry to forego sanitary inspection at the border, and instead be inspected at the destination, reducing logistical bottlenecks at border inspection points.

The program was implemented on May 29, 2010, one day after publication. The program will allow shipments of imported meat and poultry to forego the routine sanitary inspection at the border, and instead to be fully inspected at the destination, a federally inspected establishment (TIF).


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