
Mexico - Chiapas free from Aujeszky disease

The National Agri-Food Service, Quality, and Health Service of Mexico (SENASICA) has declared Chiapas as Aujeszky disease-free zone, meaning that 68% of their national territory is free of this disease that affects swine.
19 November 2010
The National Agri-Food Service, Quality, and Health Service of Mexico (SENASICA) has declared Chiapas as Aujeszky disease-free zone, meaning that 68% of their national territory is free of this disease that affects swine.

This sanitation advance makes swine activity more competitive and profitable in an area that comes in 10th place in the country’s production of pork.

The producers in Chiapas produce 23 thousand 248 tons of pork per year, and now they have the opportunity to better market their products with an estimated value of 777 million pesos, in the national, as well as international, market.

Currently, close to 68% of the national territory is free of Aujesky disease; 19 entities have been declared free zones, 8 are in the eradication phase, and 5 have a scarce prevalence of the disease.


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