With the aim of having clearer regulations that allow the improvement of the quality of the products obtained from livestock, the Mexican Secretariat of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) has created the Subcommittee Specialized in Stockbreeding.
The Subcommittee, which is part of the of the National Advisory Food and Agriculture Standardization Committee pertaining to the SAGARPA, will be in charge of designing and revising the food and agriculture regulations regarding stockbreeding that strengthen the quality and the safety of the products obtained from livestock, in accordance with the national and international demand.

The Subcommittee (comprised by the private sector, producers and researchers) will carry out an analysis and an update of the already existing regulations and will propose the creation new ones.
It is worth mentioning that in Mexico some 1,226 million tonnes of pig meat are produced, and the availability of pig meat in Mexico is approximately 15.1 kg per inhabitant. The creation of jobs in this activity is 350,000, which added to the jobs generated by the rest of the chain total some 600,000 jobs.
Due to the aforementioned, it is necessary to establish rules that channel the productive and processing activities for the adding of value that cover the requirements brought up in the national market and in the 44 free trade agreements established, as well as with the recent opening of the Chinese market to the Mexican pig meat.
Thursday July 4, 2013/ SAGARPA/ Mexico.