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Mexico-Denmark: Cooperation on Pig Production Strategies

Mexico and Denmark held a work meeting aimed at the strengthening of the scientific and technological cooperation in the pig and dairy sector.

4 May 2018

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food of Mexico (SAGARPA) and the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Food of Denmark held a work meeting aimed at the strengthening of the scientific and technological cooperation in the pig and dairy sector in order to encourage production systems, investments, added value chains and the opening of markets.

During the meeting, that was held in the Ministry headquarters, the Ministers, Mr Baltazar Hinojosa Ochoa and Mr Esben Lunde Larsen, signed a Cooperation Protocol on Pig Production Strategies: an agreement that will strengthen sustainable production, competitiveness and investment in the livestock sector of both countries.

The signed agreement means the optimisation of the production systems for both countries through a better care of the natural resources with the support of science and technology, linking research, education and training at the different school grades to improve productivity and allow youngsters to lay down roots on agricultural activities.

Tuesday, April 24th, 2018/ SAGARPA/ Mexico.

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