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Mexico is evaluating the possibility of other pork suppliers at the expense of the USA.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) issued a statement to the Mexican meat producers so as to think of other pork suppliers because of the tariffs that the Mexican government could impose to the USA products.

8 June 2018

The Ministry, through the National Service for Agroalimentary Public Health, Safety and Quality (SENASICA), counts on health protocols for the import of meat from Canada, Denmark Spain, France Germany, Chile, Italy, Belgium, Australia and New Zealand, that are countries that fulfil the health requirements imposed by Mexico for the entry of this kind of products.

In its statement, the SAGARPA pointed out to the parties concerned that in case of detecting any other potential supplying market they can inform the SENASICA, so it assesses the health conditions and it establishes the feasibility of establishing negotiations with its counterparts.

Currently, Mexico imports pork from Canada, Chile, Spain, Denmark, Italy and the USA.

142 Canadian plants and 8 Chilean plants that don't charge tariffs are allowed to export to Mexico, With a 20% tariff there are 42 Danish, 234 Spanish, 10 French, 5 German, 92 Italian, 37 Belgian, 2 Australian and the New Zealand plants that are allowed to export pork products.

Tuesday, June 5th, 2018/ SAGARPA/ Mexico.

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